Qdeville® Care

Dipladenia, also known as Mandevilla or Qdeville®, is a stunning flowering plant that can bring a touch of tropical beauty to your indoor or outdoor space. If you're looking to add a vibrant and exotic flair to your garden or home, Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) is the perfect choice. This captivating plant thrives in sunlight, so be sure to place it in a bright spot with direct or indirect sunlight. Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) requires regular watering, but make sure not to overwater as it can lead to root rot. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Fertilize the plant every 2-3 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms.

Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) is a versatile plant that can be grown both as a potted plant and as a climbing vine. As a potted plant, it looks stunning on patios, balconies, and indoor spaces. For outdoor planting, choose a location with well-draining soil and provide a trellis or support for the vine to climb. One of the unique features of Qdeville® is its upright and stiff varieties, which means it doesn't typically require support like other varieties. Remove any dead or overgrown branches, and with proper care, your Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) will reward you with a tremendous amount of beautiful flowers.

This gorgeous plant is not frost-tolerant, so if you live in a region with cold winters, it's best to bring your Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) indoors or provide it with proper protection. When the temperatures drop below 10°C (50°F) during the night, it's time to bring the plant inside and place it in a well-lit area. Reduce watering during the dormant period to allow the plant to rest and conserve energy.

Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) is known for its show-stopping, trumpet-shaped flowers that come in various colors, including shades of red, pink, and white. It adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any garden or living space. With proper care and attention, your Qdeville® (Dipladenia & Mandevilla) will thrive and bring you joy for years to come.

We wish you joy and happiness with your Qdeville® purchase!